Tutorial: Full Stack App

The Startup
Published in
11 min readMar 8, 2020


Recently I wrote my first Elixir app, and it was so fun I decided to document the process! This tutorial assumes some very basic knowledge of Elixir, JavaScript and React. In a time honored tradition of our people, this will be a Todos app.

We will use Phoenix for the Elixir app. In addition to having a cool name, it is the most commonly used framework for Elixir. We could have built our entire app with just Pheonix and Elixir. For a small app that would likely make more sense. However, I think it’s a good exercise to keep each service separate. If you’ve ever had to work with a…



The Startup

Thoughts on code, climbing, and DIY. JavaScript, Elixir, and other fun stuff.